Thursday, June 5, 2008

6 Months of Home Visits

Well, starting in January we had our first home visit. To me? Waste of time but the law requires 6 months time to lapse before an adoption will be final. So by law we had to complete 3 home visits. The first one was good. Ammie Travers, Bethany Christian Services, the case worker conducted the visit. We know Ammie very well because when we were pursuing the embryo adoption we had to complete a home study. Home studies will make you go crazy. I think the FBI does less investigating into life than a home study. We had to provide financials, references from pastors, friends, family, work, etc. We had to write an essay on why we wanted to adopt and what we wanted to tell the donor family about adopting their embryos, we had to be fingerprinted, we had to have a complete physical with blood work. Needless to say it was crazy. So Ammie was familar with our background (hence why I feel these are a complete waste of time). For $300 a visit I get to give the case worker refreshments and B.S. with them for 20 to 30 minutes. A few questions are asked about the baby and us but 95% of the visit is El B.S.o. So you can imagine after feeling the first visit was a waste how I felt for the 2nd and 3rd. So we completed the 3rd one on May 5th. We were in court May 22nd to finalize the adoption.

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