Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to....

What a great Birthday Bella had. It's amazing our little girl is growing up. 1 Year Old yesterday and she is showing she's not a itty bitty baby. Here are a few pics of the princess opening her gifts:

Here are are few pics of Boogie enjoying her Birthday cake and getting "Birthday Party Belly":

So Bella can't wait to see the rest of her Family on Saturday. Her Aunt Jane is hosting her big Birthday Party. Bella, Mommy, and Daddy are very excited!

Have a great Wednesday.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Guess Whose going to be 1 tomorrow?

I know I haven't blogged in a few weeks and I apologize. I've received a couple hate mail letters and for fear of my life I am blogging. No, not really but I have been asked when I was going to blog again. So, I thought I would blog on the eve of boogies 1st Birthday. I thought I would take this blog and be thankful for what this little girl has given us over the last year:

Karen and I are thankful for her sense of humor. This little girl derives joy in making us laugh much more than us making her laugh. I wish I could put sound files on this blog because her sweet little belly laugh is priceless.

We are thankful for her tender heart.

We are thankful for making our family complete. Life without her is a blur. She adds an element to our family that Karen and I could never duplicate or try to create.

We are thankful for her curiosity. Boogie is always curious about her surroundings. She has already displayed a love of books and can pass the time looking at all her books. If given a choice she will always pick a book over her toys.

So as we get ready for her 1st Birthday we Love our Bella of the Ball and Thank God everyday for our little princess!