Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Home Run Girl.....

Here is an outfit Karen has been waiting anxiously for Bella to fit in. Thanks to Uncle Kevin, a friend of Karen's from New York, who sent this to her.

Several people have commented on Bella's first baseball game pic. Boogie enjoyed the first couple innings of the game but since the game fell within her bedtime she quickly turned into Take Me Home Bella. She is anxiously waiting for her next game which I feel will go a lot better.

Karen and I love baseball so we hope Bella develops the same love for the game.

I hope you enjoy the cracker jack girl and her Yankee's debut. Have a great day!


Michelle said...

How cute is THAT!!! I love her little outfit. Can you train her to be a Tigers fan too?! LOL

Dawn said...

I love her outfit!!!

Lesley said...

Awwwwwwwwww how cute!! Her hair is precious... look at those curls :-)

Lane and I are baseball fans too!! GO BELLA!!!

Michelle said...

You have an award on my page.