Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 4th Weekend

July 4th is one of my favorite holidays. It's that weekend where here in St. Louis it's usually HOT to where it really makes you think, ahhhhhh, summer is here. It's also a cool holiday for us guys because it's a time when we get to blow things up using things that teeter on illegal. It just makes you feel like summer.

Friday, Karen and I got up with the mission of going downtown to our Farmer's Market, Soulard Market, to get vegetables and fruits. It's a place where local farmers bring their goods to sell. I love open markets and with the cost of groceries it's also a great place to get good deals. Well, not thinking that it would be closed because of the holiday we got down there to find that most of the market was closed. However, all was not lost. St. Louis every year has a big fair called "The Fair of St. Louis" where they have performers, food, and fireworks. Well, if you haven't read the Mississippi is over it's banks in most of the Midwest and St. Louis being a river town has flooding along the river road, Wharf Street. This is the main road for food vendors and activities for the fair. So, Karen, Bella, and I parked and walked to Lacledes Landing. It's an area up from the river where they have restaurants and bars. Usually in St. Louis during July it is extremely hot and humid. Surprisingly enough there was little humidity and the temperature Friday was around 75 degrees. It was awesome. So we found a table outside Hennegans Bar and Restaurant and sat there and had a drink. A lot of people walking up and down the street, music, and food from all the restaurants made for an entertaining time. We sat and struck up a conversation with a couple that live in the city. I honestly thought they were going to be snobbish because they both had matching designer glasses and their conversations amongst themselves was about vacations in exotic locations. I'm really working hard on not prejudging people or judging them at all. However, when you have a baby it's hard for anyone not to be friendly to you. When this couple saw Bella they just lit up and kept commenting what a beautiful baby. They were in with me. Love my baby and your my friend for life! So we chatted with them. He was an investment banker in downtown and she worked for Sacs Fifth Ave. I just cracked up because they were so down to earth even though they had matching designer glasses. Ok, I'll try to get over it. It just was a good lesson for me not to judge a book by it's cover. Even if that book has Armani, Guchi, Big Bad Bling, type glasses on it.. ok, I'm stopping, I'm stopping.

So Karen and I wanted to walk around to see if anything was happening up by the Arch. Not a thing. This truly was the least amount of people I've ever seen downtown for the fair. The flooding really made an impact. So we walked back down by Lacledes Landing to check out some of the other side streets. By this time princess boogie was exhausted and fell asleep. My wife spotted people with Big Beers and we were on a mission to find them. So we walked down another street and when we turned the corner it looked like Cub Nation. You see the Cardinals are playing a three game series with the Chicago Cubs here in St. Louis. If you don't know that is one of the biggest rivalries for the Cards. It's a lot of fun because Chicago and St. Louis fans aren't jerky about the rivalry. So it was down this street that my wife spotted a booth with 32 oz. Beers. So we got a couple and sat against one of the buildings to listen to some music and enjoy the crowds walking up and down the street. Well, eventually Bella woke up and Karen picked her up out of her stroller. She looked around like, "Where are we?" I think she looked at me, looked at mommy, saw that we were sitting up against a building and went, "Oh crap, we're homeless!". I have to say with her being sick all week Friday was a joy. Bella was in such a great mood. She was a trooper the whole day we were gone. she really enjoyed herself and for it being an unplanned, spontaneous day, it turned out to be some of the most fun we all had in a long time.

Yesterday, we went to my sister Jane's house. They just built a new home and finally moved in a week ago. I loved their other house they built but this one is absolutely gorgeous. We had a great time and spent it with my brother-in-law Jimmy's family. I'm really close to my brother-in-law and his brothers so I always look forward to getting together with them. That is usually during the 4th of July. The 4th is a bigger holiday than any other for my brother-in-law's family. We couldn't stay because of the baby but they went out and bought enough fireworks to light up St. Louis. K and I both were bummed that we couldn't stay because Jane and Jim really put on a great spread and make you feel so comfortable and relaxed at their home. Karen and I love them and Jim's family as much as our own families.

Today, Sunday, we are planning to go to the Christian Freedom Fair. I've never heard of it until Friday when I was looking online for things to do this weekend and came across it. . It's being held at a Missions Camp outside of town. There will be food, rides, petting zoo, and a lot more. We're excited to check it out.

I hope everyone had a safe Holiday and each give thanks for the freedoms we have because of Men hundreds of years ago decide to fight for religious freedoms, for independence from tyranny, and put their lives and fortunes on the line so we could be FREE! In God We Trust that we will not take this for granted and continue to fight for the greatest country on earth.

Have a great day!


Dawn said...

It sounds like a great weekend!! I am glad Bella is feeling better and was able to enjoy her first 4th of July!!

Anonymous said...

Bella is so cute in her bunny towel. AWWW. I was thinking after reading about your weekend those huge beers Karen spotted would go great with some plastered chicken ;)


lol... Heidi. I love plastered chicken! But if I put that much beer in that chicken it would go, "Hi, my name is Ernie the chicken and I'm an Alcoholic"

Bella is a cutie in that bunny towel, huh? I love that pic!

Tam said...

Bella is so so CUTE! IT was terrible hot here so we just went GATOR Hunting! LOL Well not hunting but observing them in their natural habitat! MY 2 yr old is so afraid of fireworks and hence the solitude that is our lol

Michelle said...

Love those fireworks by the Arch. Sounds like everyone had a great time that day.